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Friday, October 21, 2005 

"I know how they think!"

I had a rather interesting experience at a bar Wednesday night with a guy who amused me to no end and shouldn't have. I met some girls in the restroom who were talking about a course they were taking at the University of Minnesota, dealing primarily with issues of race and white privilege. As we were leaving the restroom, we bumped into a tall, lanky guy who immediately joined our conversation. He asked for my background, and I told him I was Korean.

He proceeded to immediately forget this information - "Korean" registered in his mind as "Chinese" - and then told me that he had spent a lot of time in China and that he had shed all of his racist tendencies and would love to have an Asian girlfriend.

Me (stifling laughter): "Just for future reference, you might not want to say that around too many Asian women."
Guy: "Oh no, I know, but I really want to have an Asian girlfriend."
Me: ...

And later...

Guy: "...and I've been to China, and I know how the Chinese people think."
Guy: "But I have spent time in China, and I know how they think there."
Me: "Uh, there are like a billion people there, I'm not sure you can say that."
Guy (now clearly agitated): "But I've been there, and I know how they think!"

I don't think that was a pick-up attempt. Regardless, I sadly have encountered worse.

My favorite part of the entire thing was how he got so worked up and insistent that he could basically read the minds of all Chinese people because he had once been to China.

AAAAGH. I hate the whole "exotic" pick-up thing.
I would have told him how sad it was that the Berlin wall had to come down and asked how his relatives in Deutschland were doing.

I'm going to Italy in 2 weeks. I suppose, upon returning, that I'll then know how every single Italian thinks. I am stoked.


I didn't know we had most of our blog title in common.


Are they sending a baby panda? And why is it such a big deal when that happens? Clearly pandas are still alive. They're gigantic fake bears who could tear you to shreds, anyway. Panda Nation 2005. Don't say I didn't warn you.


I hope that there was at least a voice in his head saying, "shut up! shut up! shut up!"

To bad he just wasn't listening.

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