Monday, February 19, 2007 

The birds and the bees...Violinist-style.

While talking about my adoption...

TheViolinist (to me): "So you don't know your 'real' parents?"

IrishTenor (interjecting, somewhat facetiously): "SouthernCanadian doesn't have parents."

TheViolinist: "So did the pelican bring you?"

Monday, February 12, 2007 

What's that tag line about "inappropriate remarks," again?

I have been working at my current job for nearly a year now and have not had a single moment right out of The Office...until today. I ran upstairs to the vending machine this morning and passed through the break room just in time to overhear the following exchange:

Guy 1: "...although he is a bit bigger than what I normally like."

Guy 2 (staring intently at his sandwich): "I am not even going to ask in what way."